Tag Archives: career moves

Top 10 Reasons I’m Abandoning My Career In Children’s Books

10.  The best books have already been written.

9. My ideas are too conceptual to be confined to a commercial market.

8. I can make more money by self-publishing my dystopian-paranormal romance novels.

7. Other jobs that pay better: circus performer, used car dealer, phone psychic. pyrotechnician, lifeguard, court reporter.

6. I’m looking to attract a more intellectual audience.

5. It’s no fun without violence, drugs or nudity.

4. Celebrities are taking over my craft.

3. No one needs illustration when you can steal stock photography off the internet – for free.

2. In 10 years, books will be obsolete anyway.

1. It’s so easy a child could do it.

Celebrating Illustration Week with a New Artist Showcase!

Last week, it was announced that Mayor Bloomberg is officially declaring the second week in November as



As you readers know, my blog has not just been about illustration, but about the process of becoming one.  So, to celebrate the first Illustration Week, I’m not talking about my own journey – I’m showing off others!

Starting Monday, look forward to (at least!) daily interviews of young illustrators – those who are in their first year or two in the industry.  I’ll ask a few questions and get a chance to show off their incredible work.

I’m SO excited about this, as I’ve had an amazing response so far from my talented Pratt classmates . . . but if you’re reading this now and are (or know someone who is) a recently-graduated or about-to-graduate illustrator, feel free to contact me and I’ll be happy to interview you!

Get ready for a blog-stravaganza on Monday . . .