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Can A Book Get You A Boyfriend?

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of He’s Just Not That Into You (the book, not the movie). From the day that I snuck into an airport gift shop and guiltily cracked its binding, Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo’s no-excuses advice told me what I needed to hear, in a world where women will say anything to encourage a friend (even if it leads to total disaster).

And for those of you (gentlemen…) who are rolling your eyes right now, let me remind you that this is a book that tells millions of women to stop acting crazy and move along.  Get behind it.

my personal “aha” moment, circa January 2009

A year later, my attitude about dating is a lot more healthy than it used to be. Sure, I still keep myself available and interested, but I don’t spend days obsessing or “reading the signs” like everyone else.  I live my life, and let what happens, happen.

Still, watching that hilarious video from The Onion (He’s a shapeshifter, ladies!), I can’t help thinking that most books are not a good way to be successful in dating.  It’s not like dieting – if you follow all the “rules”, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll lose weight get a date.

If you did, here’s what you might end up with:

Rule #1:  Not being nice doesn’t make you a bitch, it makes you a “confident” woman.   Why Men Marry Bitches by Sherry Argov

Rule #2:  Be a lady in the street and a freak in the bed.  – Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man by Steve Harvey

Rule #3:  Forget what I said about dating not being dieting – there is a program for people who are bad at it.  – Love In 90 Days by Diana Kirschner

Rule #4:  Any little thing you do could turn off a man.  The Man Plan: Drive Men Wild… Not Away by Whitney Casey

Rule #5:  It’s not you that needs help with dating, it’s the men.  A Practical Handbook For The Boyfriend by Felicity Huffman and Patricia Wolff

Rule #6:  Thou shalt fish for men in a rich pond, but not be a gold digger.  Become Your Own Matchmaker by Patti Stanger

Rule #7:  You can’t talk to a man about your problems.  – Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray

Rule #8:  There is no Mr. Perfect.  Settle for Mr. Good Enough.  Marry Him by Lori Gottlieb

Confused?  You should be.  Now get your nose out of a self-help book, and go outside and be yourself!  

For Book Designers, Type Matters

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Obsessed with typefaces?  Then go watch the cutest set of videos made about Penguin’s book designers at Type Matters. It’s entertaining for graphic designers, but relatable for those just starting out (I want to share it with all my family members who ask me the question, “So, what is graphic design, exactly?”).

I especially love the first video, where you can see my walk to work!  They even critique the type on the side of my favorite food vendor at 345 Hudson (run by this little hilarious Russian couple).  And I thought it was adorable that they gave lower-case g’s a bit of personality.  Makes me proud to be a Penguin book designer.

Best of all, designers give a smart take on their opinions of favorite and least-favorite typefaces.  I was pleased that they didn’t state the obvious (yes, everyone hates Comic Sans and Papyrus… it need not be said), and you can always tell something about a person from the typefaces towards which they gravitate.

My personal typeface?  Archer by Hoefler and Frere-Jones, designed for Martha Stewart Magazine in 2001.  This 20th-century European look gives the slab-serif a bit of sweetness, quirkiness and charm, while still keepin’ it classy and professional (and isn’t that just so… me!?).  Now, I use it for everything – business cards, resumes… it even was the perfect choice for That’s Like Me!

Last spring, I was freaking out about finding “my typeface”, and it took me many a false try before I found Archer for my own branding.  It was as though if I couldn’t identify myself with a font, I had no right to have a personality as a designer.  While now I see how ridiculous that is, if you’re feeling the same way, you can take Pentagram’s What Type Are You? (the most amazingly-designed online quiz I’ve EVER seen).

Who knows… maybe you’ll be emotional, understated, progressive and disciplined… just like me and Archer Hairline!